Screw You Shopify! – Search Your Boogaloo and Your Percenter Now


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Shopify (our PREVIOUS web host / ecommerce platform ) that WE PAID for has again censored us. They have bullied us and threatened us with closing my store down if I do not remove the products that depict a Confederate Flag.

So, I moved here, to this better ecommerce platform that does not censor anyone. Feel free to look around and buy anything, yes even Confederate Flag products that you have the right to buy with YOUR money.

I have an app that shows what they were searching for when they are spying. They chose the search terms (on my site) “boogaloo” and also “percenter“. I had to look up the term “boogaloo” myself after I saw that as I did not know what it was! lol

So, this picture depicted is not for sale, this is something I am wanting Shopify’s SJW SPIES and CENSORS to see next time they search for “boogaloo” or “percenter” or “qanon” and also “dixie“, “rebel flag” and “confederate flag“. Just a little something to tell them how I feel.


  • This is a FAKE PRODUCT. Kind of like the fakers at Shopify who are so easily offended by the depiction of a Confederate Flag.
  • Dimensions: NOTHING as there is no product here.
  • Please be sure to share this on social media, share the link to this product page and to our Rebel Flag Department here.
  • Free shipping because this is not a product and therefore will not be shipped anywhere.
  • According to Shopify, YOU, my dear customer, do NOT have the right to spend your hard earned money on something as innocent as a Rebel Flag patch or Confederate Flag ride bell or a set of Rebel Flag vest extenders. All perfectly LEGAL products, but THEY say the Confederate Flag is “hateful content” and therefore cannot be tolerated. 

Additional information

Weight 2.5 lbs