About Me
Hi, my name is Wynter and I am the owner of Leather Lollipop. This picture is a few years old and I share it because hey, I looked better when I was younger (who doesn’t?) and it’s also of me with my sweet little pot belly pig named Pebbles. Pebbles has gone to the Rainbow Bridge, but she was a lovely member of the family and we miss her. So, now, you know a bit about me, I’m an animal lover, currently, we have one dog, two cats, and two large red-eared sliders (turtles).
We have been in business online since 2003, that’s a lot of years and a lot of customers served. The fact that we are STILL here when so many online and offline businesses fail months and years after they start is a testimony to our service. I hope you will give us the chance to serve you too. You can shop with confidence here.
Our site is Safe and Secure, look up at the upper left part of your browser where you see our website address https://leatherlollipop.com See the little green lock? That shows you our site is safe and secure and you can trust that we are using SSL to ensure that. If you go to an online store that does not have that little green lock, do not put your credit card information in it, it’s not safe. Here’s a screenshot of LeatherLollipop.com and it’s little Green Lock:
Military history, I am a military wife. My husband is now retired, but he served this great nation for 26 years with distinction. We lived in Key West, Jacksonville, Pensacola, and now Youngstown Florida which is just north of Panama City, Florida. Things we enjoy doing are motorcycle riding, motorhome traveling, our fur family, and our human family of course. I enjoy graphic design, website design, jewelry design, and working for myself. We have old-fashioned values, like honesty, working hard for our money, not relying on the government for our very being, and we like giving a good value for YOUR hard-earned money.
Now here’s some history about me and how I started this particular business. Back in 2003, I was working for “the man” in the corporate world. A tedious job, but hey, it did pay a few bills. I was online one day and I had mainly used the internet as a way to make friends and play computer games, etc. Then one day it dawned on me, hey, why not spend some time seeing if there is a way I can make a living doing something I enjoy and I started immediately looking into it. I studied, I read everything I could find about starting my own business. One of the running themes seemed to be “find something you enjoy doing and make a business out of it”. Well, my husband and I loved riding our motorcycles. Then I remembered that when we had gone to a local flea market to get ourselves outfitted to ride, we purchased leather jackets, chaps, and helmets. Very small selection at the local flea market and no biker apparel stores locally except for Harley Davidson. Now, don’t get me wrong, our bikes are Harleys and the Harley clothing stores are awesome, IF you can afford them, and IF you ride a Harley. However, what if you’re on a limited budget or you ride a Yamaha or Honda or Ducati or BMW or Suzuki for example?
So, I had found my niche! I’ll open a store online selling biker leather apparel, motorcycle helmets, motorcycle accessories, etc. Back in 2003, success was quick, with not nearly as much competition, and it took off and folks, LIFE WAS GOOD!
Fast forward to today, (just wanted to give you a little history), so fast forward to today, shopping online is no longer a new thing, it’s THE thing! No longer are there just a few biker apparel stores to choose from, there are a LOT now.
I hope the one thing you’ll take away (if you’ve read this far) is that I value every one of you. I know you have so many choices of where to purchase your leathers and helmets. If you’ve chosen LeatherLollipop.com as your store, we thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Did I mention we appreciate YOU? If not, let me say it again, YOU ARE APPRECIATED!
If there is anything we can do, please don’t hesitate to CONTACT ME and I will reply as soon as humanly possible. If there is something you want that we don’t have in our store, it may be available to us, just not yet listed. If you see the same item at a better price at another online store, please again CONTACT ME and give me the link to the online store that has the same item at a better price. If I can match it or beat it, I will. Remember though to note whether this item has shipping added to it on their site. Our prices INCLUDE shipping, so no shipping surprises are added to your shopping cart. Please note that if we are not able to match it, it may be that the competitor has a supply of inventory that they are trying to get rid of which may be an old stock that has seen better days. But I hope you’ll give me the chance to match it. We would love to be your choice of favorite leather store online.
Again, thank you for visiting Leather Lollipop, and thank you for many years of allowing us to serve you and provide you with a great shopping experience and great value for your hard-earned money.